Himalayan Spirit treks & Expedition UK

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Ultra Flights

Ultra flights from Pokhara only operate between Sept through to June and usually take place from sunrise to 11 am and from 3pm to sunset. Its a great way to see the true beauty of the Annapurna range close up (you can see the Annapurna from Pokhara but when you are this close its breathtaking) which is so worth seeing.Ideal if you dont have several weeks spare to hike in these amazing mountains 


We at Himalayan Spirit treks & expeditions are here to help you book before you leave for Pokhara so please ask for details.

Great way for views of the Annapurna

There are three different routes to choose from the first being.

The first is a 15 minute flight duration where you fly over Pokhara city, Phewa Lake & Sarangkot reaching a speed of around 50 kms per hour reaching around 5000 ft and designed to give you a brief taste of Ultra flights in Pokhara.


The second is 30 minutes and aims to reach close to the Fish Tail (not too close) as it fly s by at around 50 km per hour. On the way to the Fish Tail you will get a great chance to see the majestic beauty of Pokhara and its surrounding valleys.


The third being the one hour flight that will take you up to 12,000 ft reaching a speed of 90 kms per hour as you aim to cover the whole of the Annapurna range. A truly great way to see one of the most popular mountain ranges in the world.


Note on all three flights you will be briefed before you take off giving you the best chance of catching some great photos giving you some life long memories.

So if you are coming to Nepal and want to book an Ultra flight in Pokhara please contact our office and we will be happy to help.