Himalayan Spirit treks & Expedition UK

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Mountain flight

Many people don’t have the necessary few weeks free time to hike deep into the Himalayas to see the true majestic beauty of this mountain range. So one way you can bend the rules is to take a mountain flight as it gives you the chance to fly between the highest peaks in the world. And these flybys have become a very popular tourist attraction in Nepal with a number of domestic airlines offering regular flights into the Great Himalayan range. Its a great way to really experience just how vast this majestic mountain range really is as you fly over the snow capped peaks for the entire duration of your flight 

A number of airlines now do flights into the Himalayas

The average flight is around an hour in duration and appeals to a wide variety of people because it allows you a panoramic view of the Himalayas without having to trek for days. You take off from Kathmandu domestic airport (next to the international airport) usually early in the morning heading in an easterly direction before trying to catch a glimpse of 20 of the highest peaks to the east of Nepal moving up to Mount Everest before finally turning around at Chamlang peak and heading back the way you came in case you missed the chance for a great photo first time around.


To book please ask our team who will be happy to help.