Himalayan Spirit treks & Expedition UK

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Langtang region

The Langtang region is easily accessible from Kathmandu valley and makes it perfect for travellers with a limited time in Nepal. Because between five to ten days, one can visit Langtang area for trekking and experience the Himalayan region even though they are not quite as spectacular as in the Annapurna or Everest areas, they remain unforgettably beautiful.  And because of this you will find the trails are less crowded and the people are friendlier because the less tourists the more they are appreciated.  The area itself was first established as national park for Himalayan wildlife & because of this is criss-crossed with hiking and trekking paths and mountaineering trails allowing visitor’s unparalleled accessibility. From trails like these you often see musk deer (Moschus chrysogaster) and Himalayan Tahr (Hemitragus jemlahicus), Himalayan black beer (selenarctos thibetanus), snow leopard (panthera uncia), wild god (cuon alpinus), ghoral (Nemorhedus goral) serow (capricornis sumantrenis) and more than 250 species of birds. But the park is also renowned for its population of red panda (Ailurus fulgens). A little further up the valley is Kyanjin Gompa, where you can stop overnight and sample the local yak cheese. And then farther up the trail you 

Start in the foothills and finish in between snow capped mountains

will pass through Nubamatang which is nestled in a hidden valley on the way up to view the glacier which is the gateway into Tibet. Before finally backtracking to travel through Syabru and Sing Gompa to a high plateau, where the sacred lake Gosaikunda is located. Crossing the Lauribna Pass (4610m) to continue south, leaving the Langtang region behind as you travel through the Helambu valley to Gul Bhanjyang. From here it’s just a few days trek back to Kathmandu. Its a great way for anyone to get an experience of what trekking in the Himalayas is all about without having to go too far into the mountains. Ideal for first timers or people who have mobility issues and cant walk too far.  So if you are looking for a taster to trekking in Nepal or only have enough time for a short hike into the Himalayas this region is ideal for you.

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