Himalayan Spirit treks & Expedition UK

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Langtang Gosaikunda Trek

The Langtang valley lies on the north direction from the Kathmandu valley the capital of Nepal up to just south of Tibetan Border. So it makes a perfect destination for trekkers visiting Nepal because of its easy accessibility to Kathmandu. Trekking in the Langtang valley and as well as Gosaikunda / Surya kunda pass offers you the wonderful views of snow-capped mountains, rugged rocks, grassy lands, forested valleys and as well as holy mountain lakes. The Langtang valley Trekking in Nepal experience explores the typical culture of Tamang and Sherpa people and their tradition. And since the British mountaineer Bill Tillman described this valley as the most beautiful valley in the world it has seen a steady increase in trekkers ever since. 

Some of the highest lakes in the world are here in the Himalayas

 This trek starts from Syabrubesi which takes about 8 hours scenic drive from Kathmandu. But when you get to Langtang you can have the magnificent views of prominent peaks including Langtang Lirung (7246m), Gangchhenpo (6388m), Dokpu (5930m), Naya Kangri (5846m), Yala Peak (5500m) and many others snow-capped mountains. Along with those amazing views of mountains and picturesque landscapes you can also get change to observe the rich biodiversity in the region. Langtang National Park has protected many endangered species of flora and fauna. Most of your visits to Nepal will start on the dusty streets of Kathmandu. But the Langtang valley is also known as the valley of glaciers and glacial lakes and Gosaikunda is one of the holy mountain lakes at an altitude of 4380 meter from sea level. With both Hindus and Buddhists pilgrims gather around this area every year especially on full moon day of August. They believe that if they take bath from the water of this lake they will be saved from their all sins done during that year. Over the years this Gosaikunda Lake has become one of the sacred pilgrimage sites for Shamans, the traditional witch doctors, as well as many Hindu and Buddhist devotees. And a cross over the Surya Kunda or Laurebina Pass (4620 m) with an excellent view of Himalayan Shangri-La than to Helambu valley is simply breath-taking.

Most of the treks start from here in Thamel
Day 01 Arrival at Kathmandu (1350 m)

On arriving at the Kathmandu international airport you will be greeted by one of our representatives who will welcome you and assist in your transfer to a hotel. They will be available for any questions along the way and will make sure you have the chance to refresh before briefing you on the upcoming trekking in Nepal experience.

Day 02 Kathmandu valley sightseeing

No one should come to Nepal and not have a guided tour of the Historic city of Kathmandu. With so many world heritage sites in Kathmandu valley its worth spending the day walking round, taking photos and basking in the mixture of cultures that make up Kathmandu. You will get chance to visit such pilgrimage sites of Hindus Pashupatinath temple, the world biggest Bouddhanath Stupa, Swoyambhunath Stupa also known as monkey temple and historical Kathmandu Durbar Square with  temple, unique architectures and Kumari (living goddess) in central Kathmandu. Then back to the hotel to prepare for the next morning.

Day 03 Kathmandu – Dunche (1966 m), 7 hrs

The day starts with an early local bus or jeep ride from Kathmandu to Dunche along a very good black topped highway. Along the way you will check into Langtang National Park and continue the drive again to Dunche Bazar. From here you dismount as it’s the main gateway to explore Gosaikunda Holy Lake. Spend a little time in the afternoon taking in the views as from here you can see Langtang Lirung, Ganesh Himal and Dorje Lakpa and Langtang valley.

Day 04 Dunche – Sing Gompa (3330 m), 5 hrs

After breakfast the trek begins with a walk through green terraces until you enter the forest and continue the ascent to Sing Gompa. As the day goes on you find the view of the mountain getting wider until reaching Sing Gompa where you can see the Langtang range, Ganesh Himal and a Tibetan Monastery. It’s a pleasant walk through forests of oak, hemlock and firs but if you have time then visit the Local cheese factory there.

Day 05 Sing Gompa to Gosaikunda Lake, 6 hrs

Today the trail changes and becomes steeper, narrow and misty as well as becoming more deserted and rocky. Then from Lauri Binayak it will take about 3 hours to reach to Gosaikunda.

Day 06 Gosaikunda to Tharepati (3600 m), 9 hrs

Today’s trek is a nice one as you leave Gosaikunda following the trail to Gopte, passing three more small lakes until you reach to Lauribina La(4610 m).  From here the route drops to a stream and crosses the head of the valley descending to Dupi Chaur, with many ups and downs before a final ascent to Tharepati on a windy ridge.

While preparing for your trekking in Nepal experience you will meet these guys
Day 07 Tharepati to Kutumsang, 6 hrs

The trail continues through the forest of pine & juniper about 2 hour’s slope up to Tharepati where the trail descends for the rest of the day.  Along the route there are sufficient hotels, lodges and temporary tea-house so it’s an easy hike with plenty of stopping places. Here it’s worth taking your time as there are attractive Mountain views as well as local peoples’ life style, culture; customs would be additional subject of interests.


Day 08 Kutumsang to Chisapani (2200 m), 6 hrs

The day is an easy one as the trail ascends & descends gently following a ridge to reach Chisapani with excellent views of Himalayan range from Mt. Manaslu to Mt. Everest with spectacular sunset view.


Day 09 Chisapani to Kathmandu, 4 hrs

Today it’s a climb up to the small pass at Burlang Bhanjyang and take a last look at the great line of the snow peaks of the Himalaya before descending to Sundarijal and drive to Kathmandu from Sundarijal on the last day on your trekking in Nepal experience. 


Day 10 Final departure

Drop you in Kathmandu International Airport onward your final destination and our trip ends & we hope you have enjoyed your trekking in Nepal experience