Himalayan Spirit treks & Expedition UK

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Langtang Ganjala Pass Trekking

The Ganjala Pass trek is also known as the Nayakang trekking route and it’s located in the lap of Langtang Himalayan range.  The highest point you will reach is the Ganjala Pass (5,122m) where the last few hundred metres are precarious so you will use a rope there for safety, though the utmost care is enough. But it’s worth it as the summit offers an excellent view of Langtang ranges including Langtang valley. The trekking in Nepal experience starts with a long scenic drive from Kathmandu to Sybru Bensi and ends at Melamchi Pul Bazar. From Sybru Bensi you will follow the Langtang River to the east until you get to Kyanching Gompa (3,049).And in you look from here you will find that approximately 5 km to the south of Kyanching Gompa are the peaks of Naya Kanga (5,846m) and to the south east, Ponggen Dopku (5,930m). Kyanching Gompa is surrounded by Mt Langtang Lirung (7245m) on the west, Yala peak on the north, Dorje Lakpa (6966m), Urkeinmang(6387m), Loenpo Gang (6979) and Kangchenpo on the north-east. In Kyanching Gompa there is a small Buddhist monastery and a cheese factory started in 1955 by the Swiss Association for Technical 

There is limited medical centres here so please take all precautions

Assistance. As soon as you reach the Ganjala pass, you will have stunning views of Langtang Lirung and the Tibetan border snow-capped peaks beyond as well as amazing landscapes. You will find most of this route is spent above 3,000m (10,000ft) with descents from the pass is on a steep slope for over 1 km which requires good care again. But the rest of the trail is easy and comfortable even with no lodges and settlements for five days along the way; the group should be well equipped with enough food.

Day 01 Arrival at Kathmandu (1350 m)

On arriving at the Kathmandu international airport you will be greeted by one of our representatives who will welcome you and assist in your transfer to a hotel. They will be available for any questions along the way and will make sure you have the chance to refresh before briefing you on the upcoming trekking in Nepal experience.

Home to the greatest Mountain range and rafting rivers
Day 02 Kathmandu valley sightseeing

No one should come to Nepal and not have a guided tour of the Historic city of Kathmandu. With so many world heritage sites in Kathmandu valley its worth spending the day walking round, taking photos and basking in the mixture of cultures that make up Kathmandu. You will get chance to visit such pilgrimage sites of Hindus Pashupatinath temple, the world biggest Bouddhanath Stupa, Swoyambhunath Stupa also known as monkey temple and historical Kathmandu Durbar Square with  temple, unique architectures and Kumari (living goddess) in central Kathmandu. Then back to the hotel to prepare for the next morning.

Day 03 Drive to Syabrubesi (1462 m), 7 hrs

The morning starts with a drive along the northern highway that twists and climbs over mountain ridges to the Trisuli valley for lunch and on to Syabru village for the overnight to start your trekking in Nepal experience.  The journey itself takes around 7 to 7:30 hrs through picturesque landscapes, mountain scenery and local villages. Staying in a guesthouse overnight at Syabru its worth having a walk to see the magnificent views of Mt. Ganesh Himal, Manaslu and Mt Kerung of Tibet. Stay overnight at Guest house.


Day 04 Syabru Bensi to Lama Hotel (2470 m), 6 hrs

After breakfast it’s time to start walking at your own pace through a trail that ascends for around two hours through the forest followed by Bamboo village (1,850m/6,068ft) where we’ll stop for lunch. This forested path has well stabilized trails and following the upstream and can be seen birds life around the bushes. Another thing to keep your eyes open for is the bee hives hanging from the cliffs above. From here we’ll again steeply climb through the bamboo forest to reach the Lama Hotel where we’ll rest and overnight at a local teahouse.

Day 05 Lama Hotel to Langtang village (3430 m), 6 hrs

Today the trail will climb through a forest of hemlock, oaks, maples and rhododendron observing glimpses of Langtang Lirung before reaching Gumanchok (2800m). From here you follow the trail upwards to Ghora Tabela (2970m) after which it ascends to Thangshyap (3140m). The trail further climbs

to Langtang, which is the head quarter for Langtang National Park where you will spend the night.


Day 06 Langtang village to Kyanjin Gompa (3870 m), 4 hrs 
There are some amazing views to be captured by camera
The morning hike will start with a gradual ascent up to Sindum and to Yamphu (3640m). From which you will then cross the Laja Khola and climb up to a moraine for a viewing of the Kyanjin Gompa and the dramatic icefall flowing from Langtang Lirung and Kinshung. Then the trail descends down to Kyanjin Gompa where you will spend the night.  As this is a short day you might like to hike up to the Langtang glacier or to the Kyanjin RI.
Day 07 Rest day at Kyanjing Gompa (day hike to Tscheurkuri Peak), 6 hrs

The idea of today is an acclimatization day so you will have chance to explore the Langtang Lirung glacier and dry Himalayan Yak pasture.  If the weather is clear then you can  climb to Tserko ri hills from where you can see the stunning mountain views like as Langtang Lirung, Ganjala Chuli, Yala peak Dorje Lakpa and many more…back to stay overnight in the hotel

Follow the trails up towards the snow capped mountains.
Day 08 Kyanjin Gompa to Ngegang (4100 m) , 5 hrs

The morning brings you out on the trail again as you cross the Langtang Khola below Kyanjin Gompa the trail makes a steep climb through a forest of rhododendron and juniper. Before reaching the yak pasture of Ngegang where on any day here you can see Yaks peacefully grazing. Stay overnight in Tented Camp at Ngegang.

Day 09 Ngegang trekking to Ganjala Pass (5200 m) to Keldang, 7:30 hrs

Today becomes more of a challenge as the ascent to the pass is quite difficult and challenging because you begin by following the streams at first continuing over snow and rocks before scrambling the last 100m on a steeps and snowy slope. Ganjala Pass or Nayakang la offers an excellent view of the Langtang Lirung, Langtang Ranges and the snow-capped border mountains in between Nepal and Tibet.

Day 10 Keldang to Dukpu (4080 m), 6 hrs

The trail descends a long ridge making many ups and downs before heading down to the Valley. Then following the ridge line through small settlements, you will reach Dukpu where you stay overnight in Tent.

Day 11 Dukpu to Tarke Gyang (2590 m), 6 hrs

The day begins with the trail descending before making a climb to a pass which offers a stunning view of the Himalaya. From here the trail descends through pine and rhododendron forest before dropping steeply to Gekye Gompa. And continues its steep descent to the large Sherpa village of Tarke Gyang where you stay overnight.

Day 12 Acclimatisation day, Monastery exploration day

Todays a rest day so after a leisurely breakfast you will visit the village of Tarke Gyang. If you want to observe the peak of 3771m which is north of the village, you will have to climb half a day to reach the destination. Here you can see panoramic views of the mountains to the north so it’s well worth the optional half day climb before coming back to Tarke Gyang.

Day 13 Tarke Gyang to Sermanthang (2610 m), 6 hrs

The trail leaves Tarke Gyang and heads off to the pretty Sherpa village of Gangyul (2520m). Where the trail drops a little bit and climbs through deep forests as well as crossing a number of streams, before reaching Chumik. From here it’s uphill to the large village of Sermanthang.

Day 14 Sermanthang to Malemchipul Bazaar (880 m) via Kakani village, 4 hrs

The trail drops here to reach the settlements of Nigale and Gyalsha and further down to Raithani Gyang (2290m).  Descending through the pine forest the trek gets to the large fascinating village of Dubha Chaur and finally descending you will reach Melamchi Pul Bazaar. Stay overnight at Melamchi Pul Bazaar for celebration of Last night party on your last day of trekking in Nepal.  If you have lack of time, you might drive back to Kathmandu in the same day in the late afternoon.

Day 15 Malemchipul Bazaar to Kathmandu

Drive back to Kathmandu by bus via Araniko highway to arrive at Kathmandu and transfer to Hotel on BB basis.