Himalayan Spirit treks & Expedition UK

Himalayan Spirit is in us all.

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Nepal is such a fascinating country with not just a vast geographical landscape but also in terms of cultural as well. There are so many different clans, castes & cultural groups that make up the country it has often been said that Nepal has a different festival every day. Making it a great country for open minded travellers interested in experiencing different cultures. And the best way to do this is by experiencing Nepal through a Homestay. Which as the word states staying in a typical Nepali home. These homes range from well equipped houses with all the modern amenities to traditional mud & bamboo style homes in rural areas of Nepal.

Your experiences will depend on where you are staying whether its in deep in the middle of the city where you can spend your days with the family or go exploring through the back streets where modern & ancient live side by side. Here you can see modern buildings, cars, mobile phones as you walk down the street before turning a corner to be greeted by an old Stupa, temple or relic of the past. Or spend time in rural Nepal where your days will be spent working alongside the family as they tend to the fields, livestock or attend one of many festivals that Nepal has to offer. And don’t forget take some time out to explore the surrounding areas getting to know Nepal away from the tourist areas.

A typical house in Chitwan waiting to host you

The reasons for staying in a homestay are numerous for the international traveller ranging from you experiencing traditional Nepali living through to being able to enjoy festivals with a Nepali family. And please if you do stay at a homestay participate in every activity possible.


We have a number of homestays available and aim to create tailor made packages designed to suit your requirements.


Press the link below for more details quoting homestays