Himalayan Spirit treks & Expedition UK

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Everest Panorama trek

Nepal is one of the most beautiful counties in the world in terms of its natural, cultural and historical beauty. Because of its incredible diversity in terms of geographical scenery from the highest point in the world to just above 150 metres above sea level in the Terai. But trekkers from all over the world visit the Everest Himalayan region because it’s considered to be the one area to have a great trekking in Nepal experience in everyone’s lives.  This trek is considered as the second-most popular trekking destination in Nepal because the region holds unique culture, traditions, life style of the local people, rich biodiversity, and majestic mountains and can be experienced in a few short days. Another reason is the presence of Mt. Everest (8,848m.), the world’s highest mountain in its lap that was made famous with the epic ascent to the summit by Sir Edmond Hilary &

Sherpa Tensing.  This particular trek gives you the chance to view the highest mountain in the world, Mount Everest weather permitting. It also gives you the chance to stand near the famous Kwangde Ice fall & a visit to the Tyangboche monastery amongst other opportunities.
Follow the trail up through the snow capped peaks to reach your goal.
Day 01 Arrival at Kathmandu (1350 m)

On arriving at the Kathmandu international airport you will be greeted by one of our representatives who will welcome you and assist in your transfer to a hotel. They will be available for any questions along the way and will make sure you have the chance to refresh before briefing you on the upcoming trekking in Nepal experience. 

Day 02 Kathmandu to Lukla (2886 m) and then to Phakding (2640 m.), 4 hrs

The day begins with an early morning wakeup call as you need to catch the first flight to Lukla (2886m). Where on arrival you will have the chance for breakfast at one of the local hotels before setting off on your trek to Phakding (2640 m) village just several hours walk along the trail.  This consists of a gentle climb along a stone path trail the mountainside on the left bank of the Dudh Koshi.  Along the way you can get your first up close look at the first peak of Nupla (5885m) which can be seen in a stone throw distance on the opposite bank before aiming to reach Phakding in the late afternoon.

Follow the trekking trail to reach snow capped mountains
Day 03 Phakding to Namche Bazzar (3440m), 6 hrs

Breakfast will be taken on your first real day of the trekking in Nepal experience in the guesthouse you have stayed in and then you begin the trek to Namche Bazaar (3440m). The trail goes along the right bank of Dudh Koshi with Thamserku is standing majestically skyward on the opposite bank till you reach Bengar. Where it then starts to climb from the riverbed on the left bank into the mountain, through a forest to Chumoa before continuing along the trail with many ups and downs before crossing a stream and passing the tiny village of Monjo. Where you come to the entrance of the Sagarmatha National Park Service where a park entrance fee is to be paid which your guide will take care of. From here it’s a short walk along the river bed of this V-shaped valley where the Bhote Koshi and Dudh Koshi (rivers) meet each other.   Here it’s time to cross the Hillary suspension bridge and begin the steep ascent to Namche Bazar. Along this particular stretch there is the chance to have excellent views of Everest (8848 m) and Lhotse (8516 m) before reaching Namche Bazar (3440 m) a central hub of the area for food, trekking gears and other necessary goods.


Day 04 Acclimatisation at Namche Bazzar (explore around)

Today it’s advisable to take an acclimatisation day and this is the best place on your trekking in Nepal experience because there are a number of things you can do. A trip to the Khhumjung monastery, visit the small settlement of Sherpa community and enjoy the splendid view of Mt. Everest, Ama Dablam, Thamserku, Nuptse, Lhotse, Tawche, Kwangde and so on from here.  Here it’s an ideal time to prepare for the coming days on the trek.

Day 05 Namche Bazaar to Khhumjung (3780 m.), 4 hours

After breakfast at Namche Bazaar it’s time to head for Khhumjung (3780 m).  The route starts by climbing up to the Shyangboche airstrip and just beyond to reach the famous hill station which offers  stunning views of Mt. Everest, Lhotse, Amadablem, Cholatse, Tawoche, Thamserku and many other snow caped mountains in 360 deg angle.  During the day it’s possible to hike to the Everest View Hotel, a Japanese scheme to build a deluxe hotel with great views of the highest mountains on Earth and then on to Khhumjung for an overnight stay.

Day 06 Khhumjung to Tyangboche (3860 m) 5:30 hrs

A leisurely breakfast at the tea house before setting off to Tyangboche situated at 3860 m. Where on the way you can take some time out to visit the famous Tyangboche Gompa which is situated at (4100 m) from where you would also have a glimpse of Ama Dablam, Everest and other peaks.


Day 07 Tyangboche to Jorsalle (2830 m), 7 hrs

It’s all downhill from here so it’s an early morning start as the aim is to reach Jorsalle (Thumbug) at 2830 m. Where on arrival you will find several lodges along the main street of Jorsalle where you will spend the night. Jorsalle is best known for its main street and the fact you have to make many detours around wandering cows and groups of porters hanging around the main street.

From any high point in Nepal look north for amazing views
Day 08 Jorsalle to Lukla (2840 m), 6: 30 hrs

The plan is to leave early in the morning as you spend hike at a relaxing pace because it’s your last day on the trek. The trail ascends & descends along the way until you meet the confluence of two rivers- the Bhote Koshi from the west and Dudh Koshi from the east. Where you cross the Dudh Koshi and follow the river along to Lukla where you spend the night.


Day 09 Lukla – Kathmandu

Up early the next day to catch the early morning flight to KTM where on arrival you will be met by a member of the team who will help you transfer to the hotel.  This should all be done by late morning so you will have time to rest before heading out for a shopping trip in the afternoon for souvenirs.


 Day 10 Back to your own destination

Please ask for any help or assistance either with taxi transfer to the airport or bus tickets to your next destination in Nepal as we are always happy to help and we hope you have enjoyed your trekking in Nepal experience.