Himalayan Spirit treks & Expedition UK

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EBC & Goyko lakes

The Khumbu valley is known throughout the world (but not by name) as the gateway to the Everest region where many of the tallest mountains in the world are. And every year thousands of visitors come trekking in Nepal  through these valleys to explore the tallest mountains, mystical landscapes and as well as see how the inhabitants (Sherpa`s) live.  These hardy people have carved an existence since time immemorial from the frozen landscape.  But there is more to see because deep in the Himalayas in a quiet remote valley you can find the magnificent azure blue Gokyo Lakes.  A series of glacial lakes that are set high in the wilderness dominated by the great mountains such as Cho Oyu, (8153 m.) and Gyachungkang (7922 m). It’s not as popular as the main Everest trail but the trek here provides stunning views of many Himalayan giants as well as exploring the heart of the Sherpa homeland. 

A harsh beauty is the best way to describe this amazing mountain range

 To get there you will follow the trail visiting Namche Bazaar and Tyangboche before ascending to our destination. It’s justifiably acknowledged as one of Nepal’s most famous treks to the Khumbu Mountains & Sherpa settlements and offers a unique experience to the visitors. The trail itself starts with a gradual ascent up the valley passing through patches of birch and rhododendron forest where the elusive musk 

deer can sometimes be seen. Along the way you pass through small yak grazing settlements to reach the Gokyo lakes and a chance to ascend to the Gokyo Peak (5480m) for a chance of stunning views of Everest, Makalu and Cho-Oyo. Farther along the trail you visit Cho la pass before reaching Dzongla and more views of Ama Dablam and Tabuche before ascending towards Gorakshep and a visit the Kalapathar (5545m) hill station for sunrise, from where we enjoy an impressive close-up view of Everest. And then the return route will pass through Tyangboche (with a chance to visit the monastery), where you rest and savour the incredible scenery, including magnificent views of Everest, Ama Dablam (6856 m), Kantega (6809 m), Kwangde (6194 m), Nuptse (7879 m) and Lhotse (8516 m).

A sight you will see all over Nepal the Bhuddist prayer flags
Day 01 Arrival at Kathmandu (1350 m)

On arriving at the Kathmandu international airport you will be greeted by one of our representatives who will welcome you and assist in your transfer to a hotel. They will be available for any questions along the way and will make sure you have the chance to refresh before briefing you on the upcoming trekking in Nepal experience.

Day 02 Kathmandu to Lukla (2886 m) and then to Phakding (2640 m.), 4 hrs

The day begins with an early morning wake up call as you need to catch the first flight to Lukla (2886 m). Where on arrival you will have the chance for breakfast at one of the local hotels before setting off on your trek to Phakding (2640 m) village just several hours walk along the trail.

  This consists of a gentle climb along a stone path trail the mountainside on the left bank of the Dudh Koshi.  Along the way you can get your first up close look at the first peak of Nupla (5885 m) which can be seen in a stone throw distance on the opposite bank before aiming to reach Phakding in the late afternoon.

Day 03 Phakding to Namche Bazzar (3440 m), 6 hrs

Breakfast will be taken on your first real day of trekking in the guesthouse you have stayed in and then you begin the trek to Namche Bazaar (3440m). The trail goes along the right bank of Dudh Koshi with Thamserku is standing majestically skyward on the opposite bank till you reach Bengar. Where it then starts to climb from the riverbed on the left bank into the mountain, through a forest to Chumoa before continuing along the trail with many ups and downs before crossing a stream and passing the tiny village of Monjo. Where you come to the entrance of the Sagarmatha National Park Service where a park entrance fee is to be paid which your guide will take care of. From here it’s a short walk along the river bed of this V-shaped valley where the Bhote Koshi and Dudh Koshi (rivers) meet each other.  Here it’s time to cross the Hillary suspension bridge and begin the steep ascent to Namche Bazar. Along this particular stretch there is the chance to have excellent views of Everest (8848 m) and Lhotse (8516 m) before reaching Namche Bazar (3440 m) a central hub of the area for food, trekking gears and other necessary goods.

Day 04 Acclimatisation at Namche Bazzar (explore around)

Today it’s advisable to take an acclimatisation day and this is the best place because there are a number of things you can do. Rest from your trekking in Nepal experience and take a  trip to the Khhumjung monastery, visit the small settlement of Sherpa community and enjoy the splendid view of Mt. Everest, Ama Dablam, Thamserku, Nuptse, Lhotse, Tawche, Kwangde and so on from here.  Here it’s an ideal time to prepare for the coming days on the trek.

Day 05 Namche Bazaar to Khhumjung (3780 m.), 4 hours

After breakfast at Namche Bazaar it’s time to head for Khhumjung (3780 m).  The route starts by climbing up to the Shyangboche airstrip and just beyond to reach the famous hill station which offers  stunning views of Mt. Everest, Lhotse, Amadablem, Cholatse, Tawoche, Thamserku and many other snow caped mountains in 360 deg angle. During the day it’s possible to hike to the Everest View Hotel, a Japanese scheme to build a deluxe hotel

The snow capped mountains of the Himalayas awaits you
with great views of the highest mountains on Earth and then on to Khhumjung for an overnight stay.
Day 06 Khhumjung to Dole (4040 m), 6 hrs

When you leave Khhumjung the next morning there is a choice of two trails up to Mong-La.  The left one is steep and you make your way up through the rocks and the other is a little easier as it’s used by the yak caravans. As you reach Mong –la it’s time to make a steep descent down to Phortse Tanga before levelling of through patches of Birch and rhododendron forests to reach Dole and overnight stay in a guest house.

Day 07 Dole to Machermo (4410 m) 5 hrs

Today is a little easier as the trail is a gentle one walking through alpine meadows looking for yaks, highland birds and flowers. And the farther along the better the view of Cho Oyu (8,153 m) to the North can be seen. You should reach Machermo in the early afternoon when you spend the rest of the day and night.

That path you see in the distance leads you to your goal
Day 08 Machermo to Gokyo Lake (4750 m) 3:30 hrs

The morning on your trekking in Nepal experience starts with a climb up the moraine on the far side of the village and a gentle downhill stroll to the village of Fanka.  A little further along the trail you arrive at the foot of a rock staircase where you begin the slow climb up into the cliff face. It’s a very steep region with the path cut into the side of the cliff. When you reach the top it’s a slow descend until you reach the wooden bridge over the Dudh Koshi and reach the first of the Gokyo Lakes, populated with its amazing high altitude ducks.  Just before reaching the Gokyo there is a Chautara (resting place) covered with prayer flags from where the Gokyo village can be seen from here.

Day 09 Gokyo Lake to Gokyo Ri (5,333 m.) and back to Gokyo Lake, 4 hrs

Early morning starts with a climb to the top of Gokyo RI to have stunning views of the upper Gokyo valley, the massive Ngozumpa Glacier and an incredible panoramic view of the whole Khumbu Himalayas like- Everest, Lhotse, Nuptse, Makalu (8481 m), Cho-Oyu (8153 m) and Gyachung Kang (7922 m) and many more. So please take a camera on your trekking in Nepal experience.

 Day 10 Gokyo to Thangnak (4661 m) 4 hrs

It’s an easy day on your trekking in Nepal experience as you trek down from the Gokyo Valley to Thangnak giving you plenty of time to experience the Himalayan culture and life.   Crossing the crevassed glacier to reach the lateral moraine at a far end of the valley to reach the village situated just below a small cliff.

Day 11 Thangnak to Dzongla (4830 m) via Cho La Pass (5330 m) 7 hrs

On leaving Thangnak you follow the path alongside the stream through the yak pastures.  Before making an attempt on the Cho La pass (5,330 m) and following through to Dzongla for an overnight stay.

Day 12 Dzongla to Lobuche (4930 m), 5 hrs

The morning starts with a 20 minute climb before following the gentle ascent up to settlement of Lobuche for an overnight stay.

Day 13 Lobuche to Gorakshep (5180 m) 3 hrs

It’s a couple of hours hike to Gorakshep (5180 m) via the moraine but at this altitude you will take it easy to reach there for lunch.  After lunch it’s time to make your way up to the Everest Base camp (5560 m) past several landslides and moraine’s. This will give you several hours to explore the base camp before heading back to Gorakshep for the evening.

Day 14 Gorakshep to Kala Patthar (5545 m.) and then to Pheriche (4243 m) 7 hrs

The morning starts with a climb up the Kalapathar (5545 m) to enjoy the sunrise over the peaks of the Himalayas. Here you have the chance for a panoramic view of Mt. Everest, Mt. Pumori, Mt. Lingtren, Mt. Khumbetse, Mt. Nuptse, Mt. Lhotse, Mt. Ama Dablam, Mt. Thamserku and many more. Afterwards it’s time to head back to Gorakshep for breakfast and begin the days trek to Pheriche. Where not only is there a Himalayan rescue aid post with foreign doctors but also a telephone service that will connect you anywhere in the world.  It’s an exposed settlement and very windy most of the time so you will stay overnight here.

Day 15 Pheriche to Phortse village (3750 m), 6 hrs

You’re making a gradual descent now so the going is a lot easier so make time to look for the wild animals that populate this area. Ones like the mountain goat, musk deer and many species of Himalayan birds can often be seen and photographed. When you reach Pangboche and Phortse make a little time to visit the monasteries which were believed to have been constructed during the 16th century. The Pangboche village has also gained its popularity for highest settlement on earth.

Day 16 Phortse (3750 m.) to Khhumjung (3790 m), 6 hrs

Start with a descent for around 20 minutes before ascending up a steep trail for around an hour to reach Mong La (4000 m) hill station where you can see a scenic view. From this spot, you can see the panoramic view of Ama Dablam, Thamserku, Kusum Kangaru, Konde-Ri and Tawache peak. Here the trail descends and ascends frequently up to Khhumjung the largest settlement of Khumbu region. And its where Sir Edmund Hilary built a well-equipped school in the 1960`s as a thank you for the people of the mountains. Here you can also find the old monastery where the skull of Yeti is believed to have been preserved.

Day 17 Khhumjung to Monjo village (2835 m), 5 hrs

As soon as you finished your breakfast it’s time to start the walk to Monjo village (2835 m). Walking past the Khhumjung School which is supported by Hillary trust you ascend to the top of Shyangboche hill station (3900 meter) for the last but a better view of Mount Everest and Amadablem. From here you can see the tallest Himalaya and as well as the deep Dudh Koshi valley in 360 deg. angle. And then it’s time to begin the descent down all the way to Monjo village passing through Namche Bazzar before arriving at Monjo and  one of the best lodges in the area.

Day 18 Monjo to Lukla (2800 m.), 4 hrs

Final day on your trekking in Nepal experience so the  trail so it’s a nice pleasant one descending along the banks of the Dudh Koshi river across suspension bridges before arriving in Lukla (2800 m) and a well-deserved rest. Spend your last night in the mountains for this trip.

Day 19 Lukla to Kathmandu, 35 min

Up early the next day to catch the early morning flight to KTM where on arrival you will be met by a member of the team who will help you transfer to the hotel.  This should all be done by late morning so you will have time to rest before heading out for a shopping trip in the afternoon for souvenirs. In the evening, we serve you farewell dinner in Nepal typical restaurant and we hope you have enjoyed your trekking in Nepal experience.