Himalayan Spirit treks & Expedition UK

Himalayan Spirit is in us all.

Contact Us for the adventure of a lifetime

Booking terms

1. Booking

When you fixed the trip your passport photo copy and 25% of the total amount is required to pay in advance for reservation of a Ticket, Hotel Accommodation, Trekking, expedition permit process and Client can use any means pay us. The remaining payment can be made before you arrive in Nepal or on arrival before you start your trek. This will be agreed on an individual agreement.

Note: Clients can attach the require photos and passport photocopy into the mail or fax.

2. Passports and visas

It is the client’s sole responsibility to ensure that passports, visas, health certificates, proof of vaccinations and any other required documentation are all in order for the countries to be visited. Passports must have 3-4 blank pages available. The Company cannot be held liable for any consequences, damages or claims if the client prior to commencement of the tour does not correctly attend to the client’s documentation and related matters. If you cancel your trip here will be no discount or refund for services rendered ‘Utilized,’ subsequent to the payment; Voluntary or involuntary termination/departure from tour, sickness, death of a family members, late arrival and premature departure unless agreed on.


Any cancellation made by the Client must be made in writing and acknowledged by Himalayan spirit treks & expedition. The date on which the request for cancellation is received by Himalayan spirit treks or its Agents will determine the cancellation charges applicable.

The cancellation charges are expressed here after as a percentage of the total trip cost.

Cancellation 60 days or more before departure: 100% of Total Deposit.

Cancellation 59-21 days before departure: 50% of Total Trip Cost.

Cancellation less than 21 days before departure: 100% of Total Trip Cost.

The Client is strongly advised to take out cancellation insurance at the time of booking.

*Please note that refunds will not be made if you voluntarily leave a trip for any reason post initiation. No refunds will be made for any accommodation, transport, sightseeing, meals or services not utilized.

5. Tour Protection

Nepali Travel is fully governing registered Company in Nepal. We are fully licensed and bonded as a tour operator and processing to be a member of the International Air Transport Association (IATA). In the unlikely event of our insolvency, the Nepal government will arrange to refund any money you have paid us for an advance booking as we have paid tour protection deposited to get license from ministry of tourism and civil aviation.

6. The adventure challenge

Before booking with us, take a moment to consider the challenging nature of adventure travel. Trips of this kind often require a substantial amount of flexibility from you during the journey. The itineraries outlined in the brochure and on our website must be seen as an indication of our intention, rather than a contractual obligation on our part. Unforeseen local conditions or events may sometimes necessitate changes to the itinerary, accommodation or means of transport. We accept your booking on the understanding that you realize the potential hazards involved in this kind of trip, including injury, disease or loss/damage to personal property, inconvenience and discomfort. Refunds will not be given for unused services. For your protection you must have travel insurance to travel with us. We will require proof that you are insured before start trip.

7. Changes to your trip

Before you enter into a contract with us, we reserve the right to change any of the facilities, services or prices described in our brochures or website. If a change occurs you will be advised at the time of booking.

8. If we change your booking

It is unlikely we will have to make any changes to your tour after you book. However, we plan the arrangements many months in advance and may occasionally have to make changes. Most changes are minor. If a major change becomes necessary, we will advise you of the change as soon as possible. Whether a change is ‘major’ depends on the nature of the tour.

Important notes: Compensation will not be payable if we are forced to cancel, or in any way change your tour for reasons of consolidation or force majeure, namely war, threat of war, riot, civil strife, industrial dispute, terrorist activity, health epidemics, natural or nuclear disaster, fire or adverse weather conditions or other similar events beyond our control and that of our suppliers.
9. If we cancel your holiday

Sometimes it may be necessary to cancel your tour and we reserve the right to cancel your tour in any circumstances. However, in no circumstances will we cancel your tour less than 6 weeks before the scheduled departure date except for reasons of force majeure or failure on your part to pay the final balance. In circumstances where we are unable to provide the tour booked, we will return to you all monies paid, including insurance when you have bought that from insurance company, or where possible offer an alternative tour of comparable or higher standard and compensation if appropriate. In case of a cancelled tour departure we strongly advise you not to book any connecting travel that is non-refundable or non-changeable or incurs penalties. We will not be liable to refund any incidental costs incurred for visas, vaccinations or other travel arrangements. If we are forced to cancel your holiday after departure we will, wherever possible, make suitable alternative arrangements. If we are unable to make such alternative arrangements, or you reject these for good reason then we will return you to your point of departure and refund you for any unused services, if appropriate.

10. Data Protection Policy

To ensure that your holiday runs smoothly, we need to use information such as your name and address, special needs, dietary requirements, etc. We will apply appropriate security measures to protect this data. However, we must pass it to suppliers of your travel arrangements, including airlines, hotels and transport companies. We will only pass data, including sensitive information regarding disabilities or dietary and religious requirements, to people responsible for your travel arrangements. When you make this booking, you consent to this information being passed to the relevant people. Information held by a travel agent is subject to that company’s own data protection policy. We can supply a copy of your information held by us.

11. Transport timings

Please note that the timings of air, road or rail departures are estimates only. These timings may be affected by operational difficulties, weather conditions or failure of passengers to check in on time. Carriers’ conditions of carriage which will apply to you have clauses which limit or exclude liability. We do not make any arrangements if there is a delay at the outbound or inbound point of departure. However, most airlines usually make provision in this case.

12. Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is must for all the clients for any tour. The insurance should offer enough protection for full duration of the tour which covers personal injury, death, medical expenses, repatriation expenses, helicopter rescue, air ambulance and adequate cover for baggage.

13. If you change your booking

If, after our confirmation has been issued, you

(i) make a change to your existing booking, we will charge an amendment fee of a minimum of US70$ per booking for each change or

(ii) wish to change to another of our tours or change departure date, we will try to make the changes, provided that notification is received in writing at our offices from the lead name at least 60 days before departure and you pay a minimum of US50$ per person to cover our administration costs. Any alteration, whether a change to an existing booking or a change to another tour or departure dates, will be subject to payment by you of any costs imposed by any of our suppliers providing the component parts of the tour. Any alteration by you within 60 days of departure will be treated as a cancellation of the original booking and will be subject to the cancellation charges set out in Clause 4 below.

Name Changes

Where you are unable to travel for genuine reasons you can transfer your booking to another person, subject to the following:

a) you must notify us in writing at least 35 days before departure; and

b) your request is accompanied by written proof of your reason for being unable to travel (such as a doctor’s certificate), all original travel documents which you have received and the full name and address of the transferee; and

c) the transferee must fulfill any conditions that apply to the booking; and

d) payment by you of an administrative charge of a minimum of US50$ per person and all costs which those supplying your travel arrangements impose. Both the transferor and transferee are jointly and severally liable for all payments outlined above. Some airline carriers treat name changes as cancellations. Accordingly you will be required to pay for the cost of a new ticket.

14. Health requirements

We are able to advice on mandatory health requirements; however, we are not medical experts. It is your responsibility to ensure that you obtain proper and detailed medical advice. Where you do not do so and either are not allowed to enter any country, or suffer personal injury or death, we have no liability to you for any cost, loss or damage which you suffer nor will we refund you the cost of any unused portion of your travel arrangements. Clients with existing medical problems, pregnant women and anyone who has recently visited other countries should check requirements with their general practitioner.

15. Special requests

We endeavour to fulfil any special requests (e.g. vegetarian meals) and will pass your request to our suppliers but do not guarantee that the request will be carried out.

16. Your contractual requirements

By selecting ‘yes’ to accept the terms and conditions, you agree to accept the authority and decisions of our employees, group leaders, agents and suppliers while on tour. If, in the opinion of any of these, your health or conduct appears likely to endanger the progress of a tour you may be excluded from the whole of, or a part of, the tour. In the case of ill-health we may make such arrangements as we deem necessary and recover the costs there of from you. If you commit an illegal act we shall cease to have responsibility to or for you.

17. Alterations to booking conditions

Once a contract exists between us no employee or agent of Nepali Travel may vary these conditions or offer any refund or discount on the published price without the written consent of a director of Nepali Travel.

18. Notices

All communications relating to this Agreement (in particular any requests to cancel or amend your holiday arrangements) must be from the Lead Name in writing and in English and delivered by hand or sent by recorded delivery post to the address specified herein (or such other address as may be notified to you from time to time). Any such communication shall take effect when a complete and legible copy of the communication has been received at the appropriate address.

19. Dates, itineraries & pricing

Dates, itineraries and prices for trips may be subject to change at any time and with the publication of our 2011/12 brochure/website. Nepali travel reserved all rights to changes at any time . Current dates and prices are listed on our website and will be provided at the time of enquiry.

20. Complaint Procedure

If you have any complaint during your holiday, you must inform both your group leader and the relevant supplier of the service immediately. If you are not happy with their action in response to your complaint, you should notify our office in Nepal immediately, and we shall endeavour to resolve the problem promptly. Failure on your part to notify us and our agents does not give us the opportunity to take appropriate action to put things right, and may seriously affect your legal rights. If you feel the problem has still not been dealt with,

you should notify us in writing within 90 days of your scheduled return to your country, giving us your booking reference and all other relevant information. We will acknowledge your written notification within 7 days and aim to provide a full response within 28 days. It is unlikely that you will have a complaint that cannot be settled amicably between us.

21. Contractual obligations

These conditions were published on 1st January 2011 and apply to all tours which are operated by Nepali Travel, P. O. Box 1032, Thamel Kathmandu Nepal, registered company number( ). Your contract is with Nepali Travel Ltd trading in Nepal.

Nepali law will govern this agreement and the Nepali courts will deal with any disputes. If however you booked your holiday in other part of the world any disputes may be dealt with in the local court and will be subject to the law of those countries. This brochure and its booking conditions will be superseded by any subsequent edition.

22. Videos /Photography

Any likeness or image of you secured or taken on any of our holidays may be used by the company without charge in all media (whether now existing or in the future invented) for bona fide promotional or marketing purposes, including without limitation promotional materials of any kind, such as brochures, slides, video shows and the internet.

23. Claims against third parties

If you, or any member of your party, suffer death, illness or injury whilst overseas arising out of an activity which does not form part of your package travel arrangements, we shall at our discretion, offer advice, guidance and assistance to help you in resolving any claim you may have against a third party, provided we are advised of the incident within 90 days of its occurrence.


Payment Option 01: Online Credit Card Payment (visa & master only)

Payment Option 02: Send money by bank transfer.

We will always try and work around any changes that you need to make because your visit to Nepal is importnat to us. Please ask if you need to change anything after booking.