Himalayan Spirit treks & Expedition UK

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Annapurna Dhaulagiri trek

The world sixth highest mountains Mt. Dhaulagiri (8,167m), located west of Annapurna family, expend with 40 miles wide Himalaya range. The trail leads to Muktinath above the well-known Kali Gandaki valley and vast massif monitor of the Beyuls (hidden Valley) of Dolpo to the north. This trekking in Nepal experience offers amazing scenery with different vegetation and breath taking mountains scenery. Especially the wonderful views of the giant Annapurna Himalayan ranges. For the Dhaulagiri trek you need some basic mountaineering knowledge cross over some deep glaciers and high altitude passes and will offer you several opportunities of an adventurous experience. Dhaulagiri trek begins after a long drive to Beni followed by spending the first few days of your trek walking through private cultivated fields with local villages.  The trail leads you along the paved paths over suspension bridge and goes through the dense oak, juniper, rhododendron, other deciduous forest and many species of flowers are abundantly found on the trail and panoramic view of some world’s most beautiful mountains and hidden rivers. The trail goes further as it follows deep into the Dhaulagiri Himal to the Italian Base Camp and Dhaulagiri north base camp offering a spectacular view of massive north

All along the trail you will find prayer flags as you hike through the mountains

face of Dhaulagiri I. Here you will cross two high passes, the French pass (5,240m) and Thapa pass (5,155m) providing more fabulous views of Dhaulagiri, Throng peak, Annapurna and Kali Gandaki River; the world deepest gorge beneath you.  Around this area can see semi -wild yak herds, mountain sheep and the mysterious snow leopard in this remote region trekking.

Day 01 Arrival at Kathmandu valley (1348 m)

On arriving at the Kathmandu international airport you will be greeted by one of our representatives who will welcome you and assist in your transfer to a hotel. They will be available for any questions along the way and will make sure you have the chance to refresh before briefing you on the upcoming trekking in Nepal experience.

Everey trekking in Nepal experience will give you amazing views like these.
Day 02 Sightseeing in Kathmandu valley

No one should come to Nepal and not have a guided tour of the Historic city of Kathmandu. With so many world heritage sites in Kathmandu valley its worth spending the day walking round, taking photos and basking in the mixture of cultures that make up Kathmandu. You will get chance to visit such pilgrimage sites of Hindus Pashupatinath temple, the world biggest Bouddhanath Stupa, Swoyambhunath Stupa also known as monkey temple and historical Kathmandu Durbar Square with  temple, unique architectures and Kumari (living goddess) in central Kathmandu. Then back to the hotel to prepare to start your trekking in Nepal experience the next morning.

Day 03 Scenic drive from Kathmandu to Beni Bazzar (850 m) – 8 to 9 hours by bus

The trekking guide will come to the hotel in the morning at 6:00 to pick you up with private transport to Beni Bazzar and will take us about 8 to 9 hours scenic journey. It’s a pleasant journey with plenty of stunning scenery of snow-capped Mountains, green hills, rivers in rafting and 

villages. You will find Pokhara a beautiful valley with panoramic views of Annapurna, Machhapuchhare (the triangle shape of fish tail), Dhaulagiri, Lamjung Himal and Manaslu. The road leads us next few hours to the Beni Bazaar (850 m) and an overnight in Hotel.
Day 04 Trek Beni to Babiachor (950 meters) -5 to 6 hours

Your first day of your trekking in Nepal you follow the trail west along the north bank of the Myagdi Khola through the village of Beni Mangalghat to Singa and Tatopani (hot springs). Then the trail will lead you to the bridge beyond the village to the south bank of the river where the trail makes a little half loop before crossing another bridge. This is near the village of Simalchour before turning back to the north bank from where it continues to the Babiachor village.

Day 05 Trek Babiachor to Dharapani (1400 m) -5:30 to 6:30 hours

Your second day begins by following the trail as the valley broadens into terraced hills on both sides of the river and you pass the village of Shahashradhara. Before crossing the Duk Khola and walk through fields arriving at Ratorunga where the path goes into a narrow valley again as the terraces disappear on the river side.  From here the trail leads up the valley until you reach Dharapani village for overnight stay in a tent.

Day 06 Trek Dharapani to Muri (1850 m) -5 to 6 hour
After crossing river the trail goes to west Bank you leaves Phedi then start to climb with many switch-backs until you arrive at the ridge viewpoint. From here the trail climbs steeply to the Muri village before continuing up to Sibang and Mattim. Past Mattim you continue up an incline to the snout of the ridge and then descend to the Gatti Khola to reach Phalai Gaon (1810m. After crossing the Dhara Khola to once again emerge on the west bank of the Myagdi Khola and then climb ridge to the large Magar village of Muri where you spend the night in a tented camp.
The majestic beauty of the Himalayas awaits you to enjoy by yourself or with your loved ones
Day 07 Trek Muri to Boghara (2080 m) -5:30 to 6:30 hours

Today`s trekking in Nepal starts with you descending to the stream and through the terraced fields to begin a climb up the ridge to reach the pass from where you can see Mt. Ghustung South (6465 m) and view of astonishing landscape. From here you will descend to the Myagdi Khola and trek along the west Bank to Nauru village. Then it’s a little climb across a grassy hill to reach a steep slope before descending through the forest and terraced fields to Boghara (2080 m) for the overnight.

Day 08 Trek Boghara to Dobang (2520 m) -5 to 6 hours

The day starts with a descent through terraced fields to the small ridge before entering the forest to Jyardan which is the most remote permanent settlement in this area. From here the trail leads up to a high winding path before crossing a rocky area before descending climbing again to Lipshe.  The trail continues through a forest to Lapche Kharka and then climbs to the Dobang for today destination.

Day 09 Trek Dobang to Choriban Khola (3110 m) -5 to 6 hours

Cross a wooden bridge and head up the trail gradually ascending into the forest full of birds and some wildlife. Heading farther along the trail you will soon see the west face of Dhaulagiri I (8167 m) becoming visible through breaks in the trees.  Then you will descend to the Myagdi Khola and cross wooden bridge before continuing to the east bank to reach Chartare.

the traditional settlers in these mountains were the Sherpas and they created these step fields so you will see plenty of them when trekking in Nepal
Day 10 Trek Choriban Khola to Italian Base Camp (3660 m) -6 to 7 hours
After the last few days your body should feel the effects of the altitude so today the pace will be a little slower. The trail ascends up to the terminal moraine of the Chhonbarban Glacier before entering the glacier from the right side. From here, Tukuche Peak (6837 m) becomes visible if you look straight on; at the far end while the impressive north flank of Dhaulagiri I (8167 m) dominates the skyline to the right. After for while you will get Italian Base Camp (3660 m), which is also the site of your camp for the night, offers you breath-taking scenery of mountains; Dhaulagiri II (7751 m), Dhaulagiri III (7715 m) and Dhaulagiri V (7618 m).
Day 11 Acclimatisation and rest day in Italian Base Camp (3660 m)

Today is spent acclimatising after walking for the past week so you spend a day letting your body adjust to the thinner air?  Because it’s recommended that your body acclimatizes to the high altitude in order to be “tuned” for the even higher altitudes.  So spend the day talking with fellow hikers, wandering around the enjoying the mountains and landscapes.

Day 12 Trek Italian Base Camp to Glacier Camp (4210 m) -5 to 6 hours

After a quick breakfast it’s time for an early start as the aim is to make the most of the weather because it’s usually clear in the morning.  But you got to be a little careful because as you pass through a narrow gorge there is a chance of rock falls from above.  The trail isn’t easy but view of the mountains are wonderful and well worth the trek. Spend the night near the glacier in a tent.

Day 13 Trek Glacier Camp to Dhaulagiri Base Camp (4740 m) -6 to 7 hours

Today is another day of impressive views as you aim to reach the Dhaulagiri base camp. With Dhaulagiri I (8167 m) north faces dominating the skyline to your right and Dhaulagiri II (7751m), Dhaulagiri III (7715 m) and Dhaulagiri V (7618 m) to the west offering you an amazing sight. The impressive icefall that descends from the north east col in front of us is another photo opportunity.

Day 14 Acclimatisation day in Dhaulagiri Base Camp (4740 m), Explore Dhaulagiri Icefall during the day hiking

Today is for acclimatisation so during the day you might hike to Dhaulagiri Ice Fall and back which will help you get use to the thinning air. The mountain skyline view from this place is superb and Dhaulagiri icefall will keep you busy until you’re ready to head back to the camp and a well-deserved cup of tea.

Day 15 Trek Dhaulagiri Base Camp via French Pass (5240 m) then trek to Hidden Valley (5000 m) -6 to 7 hours

After crossing the glacier the trail will climb two terraced hills but once over the steep moraine walls we are in safer and gentler country.  From here it’s time to climb a gentle slope to reach the French Pass (5360 m); a great vista opens up from the French Pass and offers you Mukut Himal (6328 m), Tashi Kang (6386 meters) and Sita Chuchura (6611 meters), all of which surround the Hidden Valley. To the south is Tukuche Peak (6920 m) and massive peak of Dhaulagiri I beyond. Again the trail continues along the right edge of the Hidden valley losing a little altitude to Thapa Pass (5250 m) between Tukuche Peak and Thapa Peak (6,012 m) which offers some great mountains scenery. You descend from Thapa Pass and make camp at 5200 meters.

Day 16 Trek Hidden Valley via Dhampus Pass (5210 m), and trek to Yak Kharka (3,680 m) -6 to 7 hours
The trek for the Hidden Valley to Yak Kharka is via the Dhampus pass (5200m) and you will traverse avalanche prone slopes before descending a steep rocky small adventuress trail.  But the view of mountains and nature beauty are still unbelievable to the Yak Kharka. And in this area you will find it makes a perfect camp site to enjoy the surroundings.
Day 17 Trek Yak Kharka to Jomsom (2710 m) 5 to 5:30 hours.

It’s coming to the end of your trekking in Nepal adventure so you descend all the way to the Marpha village; famous traditional salt traders Thakali inhabitant, on the west bank of the Kali Gandaki River.  It`s home to many apple orchards and as well as all the various food and brandy products made from fruit. Apple Brandy is local speciality that offers you to test some in the distillery and can buy. Then continue north, up to the Kali Gandaki valley to the Jomsom town for the overnight stay.

Day 18 Jomsom to Pokhara

The flights are available during the morning time as the strong breeze blows during the afternoon and frequent change of the weather prevent the flight being landed and taken off in the afternoon. During the flights in morning, the sky looks very clear which makes you able to enjoy the splendid views of different mountain peaks.

Day 19 Pokhara – Kathmandu drives or flies out to Kathmandu.

Today it’s time to head back to Kathmandu and there are two choices, one is a bus journey of 6 -8 hours through scenic country or the other is a 30 min flight.

Day 20 Final departure

Drop you in Kathmandu International Airport for your onward destination flights. Wish you a wonderful journey and hope you have enjoyed your trekking in Nepal!!