Himalayan Spirit treks & Expedition UK

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The Annapurna Circuit trek is also known as round Annapurna trek and is considered to be the most diverse and widest pass in the world. The complete Annapurna circuit trekking in Nepal experience is an estimated 220 km and begins from lush sub-tropical forests below 800m to highest altitude 5416m from sea level before dropping back again. You will find the Scenery changing every day from rice paddies in seasonal time and pine forests to Tibet-like countryside on the northern slopes of the Himalayas in the Manang district. After the Manang village, the terrain turns to high altitude ice desert over Thorong La Pass (5416m) then descend down to Mustang valley (Muktinath, Kagbeni and Jomsom) reaching the forested areas below Tukuche. The most impressive parts of these trekking routes includes the Kali Gandaki River and Kali Gandaki valley on the other side of the Thorong La Pass which is considered the deepest ravine in the world, five times deeper than the Grand

Canyon. The Kali Gandaki River cuts deeply between Mt. Dhaulagiri (8167m) to the west and Mt Annapurna (8091m) to the east. With trek`s  leading further down to the Kali Gandaki gorge amidst some stunning views of mountains and diverse flora and fauna in the lower forests, passing through Magar ethnic people village Ghorepani with a magnificent sunrise view from nearby Poon Hill with a descent to Pokhara.
Goats are an important part of rural Nepal & every child knows how to look after them
Day 01 Arrival at Kathmandu (1348 m)

On arriving at the Kathmandu international airport you will be greeted by one of our representatives who will welcome you and assist in your transfer to a hotel. They will be available for any questions along the way and will make sure you have the chance to refresh before briefing you on your trekking in Nepal experience. 

Day 02 Kathmandu to Pokhara (900 m), 6:30 hrs by Tourist bus

Nepal`s roads are not great to drive on at the best of times but they are an experience. So during the Monsoon Season we would advise flying to Pokhara as it only takes 30 minutes.  But any other time it’s worth taking the tourist bus as you get to see a lot of scenery along the way. And depending on when you arrive in Pokhara the rest of the day will be spent seeing the sites of this lovely city.

The trails start in the foothills & then work up through the valleys to the snow capped mountains
Day 03 Drive to Beshisahar (820 m), 6 hrs

It’s an early morning start as your guide will arrive at the hotel to pick you up at 6 AM with private transport to leave for Beshisahar (185km) to start your trekking in Nepal experience. The journey takes around 6 hours and along the way you will witness some stunning scenery of snow-capped Mountains, green hills, rafting rivers called Marshyangdi and Trisuli, and villages. Before spending the evening & night exploring the surrounding area.

Day 04 Trek to Bahundanda (1310 m), 5 to 5 ½ hours

The first day on the trek will introduce you to the varied cultural of Nepal, pass by many typical local houses and the faces of varied ethnic tribes exchanging greetings on the way. As you progress further the trail goes to through subtropical forests and the rice terraces of Sera to the village of Khudi (840 m) then Bhulbule. We will see a majestic 60 m high waterfall, views of Manaslu (8156 m) and a little further the mountain views disappear as we come 

closer to the small town of Ngadi. From here you cross the Ngadi Khola by a long suspension bridge before gently ascending to Bahundanda and overnight in lodge.
Day 05 Trek to Chyamje (1430 m), 6 to 6 ½ hours

Today’s trekking in Nepal experience leads you through lush rice paddies and the sub-tropical jungle, as you begin the ascent towards the village of Tal, nestled on a plateau. Tal in Nepali means lake but this has long evaporated leaving just the imprint it has left.  As the trail goes higher the nights starts to get colder and the vegetation changes but due to density of small villages there is ample opportunity to meet the Nepalese at work and at play.

Day 06 Trek to Bagarchhap (2160 m), 6 to 7 hours

The hike today to Bagarchhap will lead you pass the old village and its ruins, which were completely destroyed by a massive landslide less than ten years ago. From here you will cross a series of bridges that help you get across the roaring Marshyangdi River. Walking along trails that have been well-trodden paths by the porters and locals meaning you get a great trekking in Nepal experience but also the hike is not for the faint hearted as several sections of the path allow for some rather impressive views down to the river. Before reaching Bagarchhap a Tibetan style village with flat, firewood covered roofs, and prayer flags blowing in the wind.

Day 07 Trek to Chame (2630 m), 5 hours
Today’s hike is a little rougher than the previous days with quite a bit of ascents & descents as well as crossing the river several times on good bridges. 
with views like this waiting you all when you come trekking in Nepal

 When in the early afternoon you reach the town of Chame one of the largest settlements in the area. Being the administrative headquarters for the Manang district it’s the worth spending several hours in the afternoon as it’s known for its healing thermal baths and interesting architecture.

Day 08 Trek to Pisang (3190 m) village, 5 hours

Today’s hike is a shorter one where the landscape between Chame and Pisang, changes notably from sub- alpine terrain to Alpine interface. The early part of today’s walk will take you through large forests and past the massive, 1500-meter rock face called Paungda Danda before reaching Pisang proper is a cluster of local homes with a few nice lodges and plenty of activity in the fields.

within days of being in the Himalayas you will meet up with one of these The Himalayan Yak ideally suited for the Himalayas
Day 09 Trek to Manang ( ) 7 to 8 hours (over the higher route)

You have to cross the river out of Pisang village before taking a reasonably level path through scrubland, passing a small picturesque lake on your right. All along this section you pass long ‘Mani walls’ before descending to cross a stream and begin a strenuous zigzagging climb up to the village of Ghyaru (3,673m).  From Ghyaru you will continue up the valley on a wonderful high-level trail passing through the ruins of a castle.  Before arriving at the village of Ngawal (3,650m) where there is a large newly  Gompa up to the right. Passing through the village near a long Mani wall before descending back to the valley floor and re-joining the main trail to continue to Braga and Manang.

Day 10 Any Trekking in Nepal experience needs an Acclimatisation day in Manang

It is essential to spend time for acclimatisation in this area so today it’s worth spending some time enjoying the views of the peaks from both Manang and Braga villages. The village of Manang is a large one situated on a rise immediately across the huge Gangapurna glacier with a beautiful emerald lake lying at its foot. With a day to spare you can find plenty of good walks in the area and for at least a couple of hours you can try to climb as high as possible above the village. With side trips recommended to a small summit with prayer flags about an hour above Braga village, up the ridge behind Manang village, or to a viewpoint above the lake opposite Manang Village. It is also possible to walk up the valley towards Tilicho Lake to the village of Khangsar. In addition, it is worth visiting the Manang Gompa and if you are interested, you might visits the clinic run by the Himalayan Rescue Association. They often have talks about altitude in the afternoon. There are also shops to explore for souvenirs of course.

Day 11 Trek Manang to Letdar (4200 m), 4 to 5 hours


After hot breakfasts you walk through the farm terraces to Tanki Manang then gradually up to the high alpine to the Gunsang which offers panoramic mountains scenery and pass a few meadows where horses and yaks graze. Nearby Yak Kharka you can see herds of blue sheep grazing the steep slopes as well before arriving in Letdar to stay overnight in a guest house.

Day 12 Trek to Thorong Phedi (4420 m), 4 hours

 Today`s hike on your trekking in Nepal experience  is an easy one and will help you get use to the altitude before you have to cross the highest point.  Perhaps this could be possibly the highest elevation you have been on in your life so you need to be careful of Altitude sickness.  During the trek, from yak Kharka, one can continue to climb along the east bank of the Jarang Khola to Thorong Phedi, a rock-strewn meadow surrounded by upright cliffs at 4420 metre. But keep your eyes open here because blue sheep and even snow leopards can be sometimes seen in this area.  Or if you are feeling fit then you can continue the trek to the High camp another hour after lunch.   

Day 13 Trek from Thorong Phedi – Thorong la (5416 m) – Muktinath (3800 m), 7 hours

Today is the hardest day for you so you begin the days trek very early in the morning. Starting at sunrise you will set out early to complete the crossing of the Thorong La at 5416 m. The trail is steep right from the start but with a slow and steady pace you should reach the summit within three hours. And you will be greeted with Prayer flags and hot tea waiting as you reach the highest point of the trek. From here the descent to Muktinath is long, but the views of border Himalayas and Dhaulagiri family are simply amazing. Muktinath is a large settlement with several lodges to choose from. Hot showers and a good meal will allow for a quick recovery after today’s long and difficult excursion.

Day 14 Trek to Marpha village (2665 m) 7 to 8 hours

Some of the guidebooks describe todays walk as a gentle stroll as your destination is Marpha, a lovely village surrounded by apple orchards and the sweet smell of cider. Several great bakeries produce apple strudel and apple cakes, which will be most welcome after a day’s trek.

Day 15 Trek from Marpha to Ghasa village (2013 m), 6 hrs

Today’s trail descends steeply through forests to Ghasa, the last Thakali village in the area and the southern-most limit of Tibetan Shakyapa Buddhism. The first part of the trail is almost flat up to Kalopani and is a windy area covered with pine forests, rhododendron forests and birches and then the trail begins descending steeply to Ghasa. The surrounding area of Ghasa is famous destination for bird watching and wild Marijuana as well as a panoramic view of Mount Nilgiri North (7061 m.), Nilgiri Central (6940 m.), and Nilgiri South (6839 m.), Annapurna I (8091 m.), Dhaulagiri I (8167 m.) and Tukuche peak (6920 m.).

Day 16 Trek from Ghasa to Tatopani (1190 m), 7 hrs

After breakfast you will begin the trek to Tatopani and its flagstone-paved streets but before you must follow the Kali Gandaki Gorge which is deepest gorge in the world and the last remnants of Tibetan influence in the valley. The trail takes you through the villages of Dana before arriving at Tatopani (meaning hot water in Nepalese) for an evening’s accommodation will be in a delightful setting in the large village.

Day 17 Trek from Tatopani to Shikha (1935 m), 5 hrs

After leaving the village of Tatopani a fork in the trail takes you away from the Kaligandaki Gorge and towards the Gar Khola River. The scenery changes once again as large terraces appear signalling the return of rice production.

Day 18 Trek to Ghorepani (2853 m), 8 hrs

Today is a day for ascending as from Chitre you ascends several steps, until reaching the blue roofs of Ghorepani right above you. This is a difficult day as the stairs are not evenly spaced and there are many of them but it’s an adventure walking though mixed villages and forest offers scenic Himalayan and village view. Before finally you are in the heart of Ghorepani which has a strong Tibetan influence.

Day 19 Trek from Ghorepani to Hile (1320 m) 5 hrs

Early in the morning you will hike to Poon Hill to see the panoramic views of Himalayan range with sunrise. This is one of the most  spectacular and crystallize mountains views on your trekking in Nepal experience  as you surrounded to you with including Annapurna South (7219 m), Machhapuchhare (6997 m), Dhaulagiri (8167 m), Nilgiri (6915m) and many more.  We return back to lodge and take breakfast and start to go down to Hile with stone steps in downhill and overnight in lodge.

Day 20 Trek to Nayapul and Pokhara (900 m)

Today is our last day during the whole Annapurna circuit trek so it’s around a 3 hours walk to Nayapul where a private car to Pokhara which takes about 1:30 hours. Check into a hotel for a nice shower, food and a chance to say goodbye to you guide and porter.

Day 21 Fly or drive back to Kathmandu

After breakfast you have a choice of driving to Kathmandu (approx. 7 hours) or to fly which takes 18 mins. Transfer to the hotel with a chance to shop for gifts before leaving the following morning.

Day 22 Final departure to the international airport.

We hope you will have enjoyed your trekking in Nepal experience and if you require more assistance for further travels our team is ready to help.